Return & Refund Policy

Return Policy:

Customers can return a product they bought in principle if they meet certain conditions. Eligibility Criteria:

  • Returns are only eligible for the items shipped within Japan. Currently, international shipments are not covered by the return policy. Products sent abroad may be returned if you bought them from our Amazon Japan store. [If Amazon covers the return policy for international shipments.]
  • Items must be unused and in their original condition.
  • Returns must be made within 5 days from the date of receiving the items.
  • The return shipping/delivery charge shall be carried by the consumer.
  • Return must be made after contacting Ravoso customer service. Customers may need to convey the reason for the return, and the feedback will be used for future product and service development.

Exception: Return policies on other platforms such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc., where Ravoso sells its items depend on those platform’s features and policies or merged policies.

Refund Policy:

  • Contact our customer support team at to initiate the refund process.
  • Provide proof of purchase (order number, etc.) and details about the items you wish to return (name of the item, date of delivery received, etc.).
  • Upon verification, if you are eligible for a refund, please follow the instructions given by our customer service team.
  • For a returned item, the reduced standard shipping fee will be deducted from the actual payment made when buying it. At Ravoso, we reduce the burden of shipping costs for our customers by sharing the maximum portion (%) of it. Therefore, for a return, the initial exempted amount of the shipping cost will be charged, and the refund will be processed for the rest of the money.
  • If you have bought items using points from your Ravoso wallet, you will still receive the refund to your account in Japanese Yen (¥). As the points will be refunded as ¥, they will not be returned to your point wallet.
  • For any overpayment issue, Ravoso will refund the amount after verification according to its refund policy. We expect your cooperation in the verification process by providing us with the required data to issue a refund.
  • Based on each case for overpayment and ground facts for verification, the timeline for issuing a refund may differ. We expect your patience while you wait for a refund.

Exception: Return policies on other platforms such as Amazon, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc., where Ravoso sells its items depend on those platform’s features and policies or merged policies.

Refund Methods:

  • Refunds will be issued as Bank Transfers for both Online and cash-on-delivery (COD) payments.

Exception: Refund method on other platforms such as Amazon, TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, etc., where Ravoso sells its items depend on those platform’s features and policies or merged policies.

Ravoso Team